Fogaça da Feira

Regueifa Doce (ring sweet bread), famous delicacy, closely associated with Easter in the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira.

The manufacture of Regueifa Doce is strongly associated with the Easter season in Santa Maria da Feira, because in other times, when sponge cake was a luxury and rare thing, perhaps with access only to the houses of wealthier families, Regueifa Doce was an excellent delicacy for most people from the municipality.

The tradition dictates that, at Easter time, the matriarchs bake a batch of Regueifa Doce to distribute to the family, especially their children and godchildren. This is still the case today in many parishes. But it is in sweets, bakeries and patisseries across the county that most people from Santa Maria da Feira and connoisseurs from neighbouring municipalities buy this sweet bread for their Easter table or to offer as a “folate” to family and friends.

Regueifa Doce can be served with butter, cheese, ham, jam or even olives and drank with red wine or Port wine, but some people enjoy it with tea, coffee or barley. This sweet bread retains its flavour and quality even after several days, remaining appetizing when toasted.