Municipal Market

The Municipal Market is located in the historic centre of Santa Maria da Feira, built between 1953 and 1959, it is a monument classified as “public interest “ by IGESPAR.

It’s one of the first works by architect Fernando Távora, a pillar of modern Portuguese architecture. As the architect Eduardo Souto de Moura puts it, "Távora is the father of the Porto school, and the great-grandfather of Europe. He is a historical and universal figure"

The municipal market integrates local and traditional elements in modern architecture, fragmented into four bodies of different volumetric consistency in an expressive platform.

According to Fernando Távora, this is not a place for commercial exchanges and essential goods (things), but a place to integrate ideas, it is the place where people gather.

And it is again with this purpose (gathering people), a meeting place and an integrator of ideas that the city lives in this municipal market: a perfect stage for innovative cultural initiatives that brings life to the market and return it back to the city and its inhabitants.